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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters


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Environmental Microbiology / Microbial Diversity  |  Environmental Microbiology

Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2019; 47(4): 596-602

Received: February 7, 2019; Accepted: May 16, 2019

독도 자생식물 번행초로부터 분리한 바실러스 속 식물생장촉진근권 세균에 의한 식물병 저항성 유도

Induced Systemic Resistance in plants by Bacillus sp. Isolated from Dok-do Islands

Seung-Kun Kim 1, 2, Jin-Soo Son 1, 2, Duck-Kee Kwon 3 and Sa-Youl Ghim 1*

1School of Life Sciences, BK21 Plus KNU Creative BioResearch Group, Kyungpook National University, 80 Daehakro, Bukgu, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea, 2School of Life Sciences, Research Institute for Dok-do & Ulleung-do Island, Kyungpook National University, 80 Daehakro, Bukgu, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea, 3Department of Biology Education, Kyungpook National Univerity, 80 Daehakro, Bukgu, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea

In September 2017, the rhizospheric soil of Tetragonia tetragonoides (Pall.) Kuntze was further sampled. One hundred and thirty eight species of microorganisms were isolated from the soil. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) production, siderophore production, and phosphate degradation were examined in order to confirm bacterial growth from isolated microorganisms. As a result, most strains were able to produce auxins or siderophores and to solubilize phosphate. In addition, 138 isolated strains were treated with tobacco extract and conferred pathogen resistance to host plants upon treatment. As a result, 35 strains that were able to reduce pathophysiology by more the 60% were selected. Among them, 6 strains with high induced systemic resistance (ISR) activity were found. All of these strains belong to the genus Bacillus according to the 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Bacillus aryabhattai KUDC6619 showed outstanding effects with reduced infection in tobacco and pepper plants. Probably, these Bacillus species play a beneficial role by association with T. tetragonoides for its survival in the harsh conditions found on the island of Dokdo.

Keywords: Bacillus, Dok-do Islands, rhizospheric soil, induced systemic resistance

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