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Bioactive Compounds / Food Microbiology  |  Probiotics and Foodborne Microorganisms

Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2019; 47(4): 498-508

Received: March 8, 2019; Accepted: June 3, 2019

Phylogenetics, Safety and In Vitro Functional Properties of Bacillus Species Isolated from Iru, a Nigerian Fermented Condiment

Gbenga Adewumi 1, 2, Suntia Grover 2, Chukwuemeka Isanbor 3 and Folarin Anthony Oguntoyinbo 1*

1Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria, 2Molecular Biology Unit, Department of Dairy Microbiology, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana, India, 3Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria

Bacillus species were isolated from iru, a traditional fermented condiment in Nigeria. Polyphasic approach was used to evaluate the phylogenetic relationship and strain sub-type of the isolated species. Additionally, the phylogenetic profiles of the species isolated from iru were compared with those of bacilli isolated from different continents. The phylogenetic diversity analysis was performed using the combination of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, ITS-PCR, ITS-PCR-RFLP, and M13 RAPD-PCR. The analysis revealed that Bacillus subtilis U170B and B. subtilis U146A isolated from iru were the closest relatives of strains belonging to the phylogeny of B. subtilis sensu stricto and were related to other bacilli isolated from different continents that had functional benefits. The two isolated species exhibited resistance to acidic pH (pH 2.0). The survival rates of B. subtilis U170B, B. subtilis U146A, and B. clausii UBBC-07 (commercial probiotic strain) cultured at pH 2.0 for 3 h were 33.45, 12.44, and 9.53%, respectively. The strains were highly tolerant to bile salts [0.3% (w/v)]. B. subtilis U170B exhibited the highest cell viability (43.45%) when cultured for 3 h in the presence of bile salts, followed by B. subtilis U146A (25%) and B. clausii UBBC-07 (18.94%). B. subtilis U170B and B. subtilis U146A did not exhibit haemolytic activity and were susceptible to different antibiotics. Additionally, these two strains exhibited weak antagonistic activity against B. cereus. The diverse wild strains of B. subtilis can be used as a safe multifunctional starter culture for the industrial production of condiments with health benefits.

Keywords: Beneficial, antimicrobial, Bacillus subtilis, phylogenetic, Fermentation

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