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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters


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Bioactive Compounds / Food Microbiology  |  Probiotics and Foodborne Microorganisms

Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2019; 47(3): 354-358

Received: May 14, 2019; Accepted: July 3, 2019

Pyrosequencing을 이용한 메주, 천일염, 된장의 곰팡이 군집 분석

Fungal Microbial Community Profiles of Meju, Solar Salt, and Doenjang Using Pyrosequencing

Limgi Lee , Sojeong Heo and Do-Won Jeong *

Dongduk Women’s University, Republic of Korea

In order to evaluate the migration of fungi into doenjang from its materials, meju and solar salt, microbial communities were analyzed using pyrosequencing. Dominant fungi of meju were Botrytis spp. (57.94%) and Dothiorella samentorum (24.08%). Unidentified fungal species (37.53%), unassigned species (32.60%) and several fungal species of small portion were identified in solar salt. In doenjang, Candida versatilis were predominantly detected (92.62%). Non-halophilic mold were dominantly identified from meju (low-salt fermented soybean), while halophilic bacteria and archaea for solar salt and salt-tolerance fungi such as C. versatilis for doenjang (high-salt fermented soybean) were frequently detected. These results implied that most predominant fungal species might not be migrated from meju and/or solar salt into doenjang.

Keywords: Meju, solar salt, doenjang, fungal microbial community, pyrosequencing

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