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Food, Environment, and Other Topics in Biotechnology

Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2014; 42(3): 249-257

Received: March 6, 2014; Accepted: May 29, 2014

백두구 추출물의 항산화 및 항비만 효과

Anti-Oxidative and Anti-Obesity Effects of Amomum Cardamomum L. Extract

Jung Ae Park 1, Kyong-Suk Jin 1, Ji Young Lee 1, Hyun Ju Kwon 1, 2 and Byung Woo Kim 1, 2*

1Blue-Bio Industry Regional Innovation Center, Dong-Eui University, Busan, 614-714, Korea, 2Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, College of Natural Science, Dong-Eui University, Busan, 614-714, Korea

In this study, the anti-oxidative and anti-obesity activities of Amomum cardamomum L. methanol extract (ACME) were evaluated using DPPH radical scavenging activity assay, pancreatic lipase enzyme inhibition assay, and the cell culture model system. ACME exhibited DPPH radical scavenging activities dose-dependently, with IC50 of DPPH radical scavenging activities of ACME being 25.15 μg/ml. Furthermore, ACME effectively suppressed pancreatic lipase enzyme activity dose-dependently. ACME also significantly suppressed adipocyte differentiation, lipid accumulation, triglyceride (TG) contents, and triggered lipolysis activity on 3T3-L1 preadipocytes in a dose-dependent manner, without cytotoxicity. Their anti-obesity effect was modulated by the cytidine-cytidine-adenosine-adenosine-thymidine (CCAAT)/enhancer binding proteins α (C/EBPα), C/EBPβ and the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) gene and protein expressions. Taken together, these results provide an important new insight that A. cardamomum L. possesses anti-oxidative and anti-obesity activities such as pancreatic lipase inhibition, anti-adipogenic, and lipolysis effects. There is therefore potential for its use as a promising component in the field of nutraceuticals and the identification of the active compounds that confer the anti-oxidative and anti-obesity activities of ACME might be an appropriate next step.

Keywords: Amomum cardamomum L. methanol extract, anti-oxidative activity, anti-obesity activity, lipase inhibition activity, anti-adipogenic and lipolysis effects

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