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Fermentation and Bioprocess Engineering

Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2014; 42(2): 106-113

Received: December 11, 2013; Accepted: March 24, 2014

대추 및 포도 발효물의 생리활성 효과에 관한 연구

A Study on Biological Activities of Fermented Jujube and Grape

Tae-Soon Park 1, Dong-Hee Kim 1, O-Jun Kwon 2 and Jun-Ho Son 1*

1Herbal Cosmetic Team, Korea Promotion Institute for Traditional Medicine Industry, Gyeongsan 710-260, Republic of Korea, 2Daegyeong Institute for Regional Program Evaluation, Gyeongsan 712-210, Republic of Korea

For the development of high value consumables utilizing jujube and grape, we investigated the biological activities of a variety of existing fermentation products of jujube and grape. The results revealed that ethanol fermentation products of jujube and grape had a higher antioxidative activity than acetic acid fermentation products. In addition, the ethanol fermentation products of jujube (JEF) had the highest antioxidative activity, with it being greater than that of the ethanol fermentation products of grape (GEF), the acetic acid fermentation products of jujube (JAF) and the acetic acid fermentation products of grape (GAF). As regards tests on whitening effects, JEF exhibited the highest tyrosinase inhibition effects amongst the test groups. However, when immunofluorecence was employed, JAF was seen to inhibit the expression of proteins related to the whitening effect. In the lipopolysaccharide-stimulated mode peritoneal macrophage model, all tested groups of fermentation products (JEF, GEF, JAF and GAF) suppressed nitric oxide production dose-dependently, with ethanol fermentation products demonstrating a higher nitric oxide expression inhibition effect than acetic acid fermentation products. When subjected to antibacterial activity tests, GAF exhibited antibacterial activity against all tested strains except Propionibacterium acnes. Both GAF and JEF revealed high antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli.

Keywords: jujube, grape, Fermentation, Biological activities, Antimicrobial activity

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