Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2013; 41(2): 242-248
Hyeong Jwa Choi 1, Yoo Jung Lim 1, Eun Hee Lee 2, Jin Yeon Park 1, Miglena G. Prabagar 1, Hyung Soon Park 2 and Young Sun Kang 1*
1Department of Biomedical Science & Technology, Institute of Biomedical Science & Technology (IBST), Konkuk University, 2Diatech Korea Co., LTD.
Endotoxins are part of the outer membrane of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria and are continuously released during bacterial growth. Endotoxins typically induce severe sepsis and septic shock, which cause more than 50% of mortalities. Endotoxins are easily measured in the serum by the limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) test. However, a nonspecific result is obtained, because the high concentration of serum proteins disturbs the enzyme reaction of the LAL test. In order to solve this problem, the LAL test was performed in this study after the centrifugation of the boiled serum samples to remove the impurities. As a result, among the various conditions examined, endotoxin measurement with the LAL test was the most accurate and repeatable after centrifugation of the boiled serum at 100oC. Moreover, the endotoxin was accurately and repeatedly measured from the prepared sera of mice that had been administered an intraperitoneal injection of purified lipopolysaccharides (LPS) or E. coli. Therefore, the application of centrifugation to remove impurities from boiled serum gives an accurate measurement of endotoxins in the sera of normal subjects or patients, and this will lead to the improved diagnosis and prevention of diseases caused by endotoxins. In addition, the centrifugation of boiled serum samples should be considered and included in the development of endotoxin test kits.
Keywords: endotoxin, sepsis, LAL test, centrifugation, serum
Chi Hun Song and Kyung Ho Han
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