Kang-Wook Lee , Ji-Yeong Park , Ji-Yeon Chun , Nam-Soo Han and Jeong-Hwan Kim
Division of Applied Life Science(BK21), Graduate School, 1Division of Applied Life Science(BK21), Graduate School, 2Department of Food Science and Technology, Sunchon National University, 3Department of Food Science and Technology, Chungbuk National University, 4Division of Applied Life Science(BK21), Graduate School
Weissella species are one of the most common lactic acid bacteria isolated from kimchi during kimchi fermentation but few researches have been done on this group of organisms. Its recent establishment as a separate genus is one reason for the few studies. Another reason is probably poor resolution of identification methods based on biochemical properties. Currently, 14 species are registered in the genus of Weissella but new members are reported continuously. It is important to understand at detail the properties and roles of Weissella species during kimchi fermentation if desirable properties of Weissella species are fully utilized for the production of high quality kimchi with good taste and enhanced biofunctionalities.
Keywords: kimchi, Weissella, lactic acid bacteria, fermentation
Jae-Bum Kim , Hyun-Su Sim , Suk-Jin Ha and Myoung-Dong Kim
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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2015; 43(2): 120-125 https://doi.org/10.4014/mbl.1504.04007Danbie Jang , Hyunjoo Lee , Sangeun Pyo , Seong Woon Roh , Jin-Kyu Rhee and Han-Seung Lee
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