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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2010; 38(2): 129-135

인삼 유출액에서 생육한 곰팡이로부터 생리 활성 물질의 생산

Production of Bioactive Compounds from Fungi Grown on Ginseng-Steaming Effluent

Jeong-Hoon Jang , Jae-Ho Kim , Na-Mi Kim , Ha-Kun Kim and Jong-Soo Lee

Department of Life Science and Genetic Engineering, Paichai University, 1Korean Food Research Institute, 2Korean Ginseng Corporation, Central Research Institute, 3Department of Life Science and Genetic Engineering, Paichai University, 4Department of Life Science and Genetic Engineering, Paichai University


We described production of bioactive compounds from fungi grown on Korean ginseng-steaming effluents (GSE) for develop high-value added nutraceuticals from Korean GSE. Hansenula anomala KCCM 11473, which grew well in Korean GSE had high RNA content, and its optimal autolysis conditions were established to produce 5'-ribonucleotides (13.9~28.5 mg/g of biomass) at $55^{circ}C$ and pH 5.0 for 24 h. 5'-Phosphodiesterase and adenyl deaminase were not effective in increasing the yield of 5'-ribinucleatides, but the yield of IMP increased significantly only after the addition of 1.0% adenyl deaminase. Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed the highest growth in the GSE medium. 267.1 mg of S. cerevisiae biomass was produced from 1 g of GSE solid and medicinal ginsenoside-$Rg_3$ contents was determined with 0.033 mg. Mucor miehei KCTC 6011 produced approximately 120 mg of chitosan per g-dry mycelium in 84 h at $25^{circ}C$ when grown in the GSE (pH 8.0) supplemented with 0.5% yeast extract and 0.002% $CuSO_4$. Chitosan produced by M. miehei KCTC 6011 have deacetylated approximately 56% and its viscosity and molecular weight of the chitosan were 80 cps and $1.07 imes10^3$ kDa, respectively. The chitosan at 1.5 mg/ml inhibited 73.9% of the mycelium growth of Rhizotonia solani in 60 h.

Keywords: Korean ginseng-steaming effluents (GSE), bioactive compounds, yeasts, filamentous fungi

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