5Tamagawa University Japan, 6Corresponding author
Different actinomycete strains were isolated from natural lime caves of Ondal Chemongok Hwanseon and Yongyeon which are located at Kangwon or chungcheongbook province in Korea and were identified to the genus level. Soil sam-ples were collected at 6 sites inside and 2 sites outside of each natural lime cave, As the result the strains belonging to genus Streptomyces and rare actinomycetes were isolated at the average of 2.1 and 3.4 strains per g soil on inside cave whereas which were isolated at the 6.0 and 1.8 strains per g soil on outside cave. How-ever the generic distribution of Streptomyces and rare actinomycetes isolated from outside cave was quite dif-ferent from that of inside cave. It was shown that rare actinomycetes at natural lime caves is generally highly abundant than Streptomyces.
Keywords: actinomycetes, natural lime caves, genus, diversity
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