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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 1999; 27(1): 8-14

Enterococcus faecalis 2B4-1 세포벽 성분 중 Polysaccharide Fraction의 종양세포 증식억제 효과

Growth Inhibition of Polysaccharide Fraction in Cell Wall Components from Enterococcus faecalis 2B4-1 against Tumor Cell Lines

Sang-Jin Park , Jeong-Hwan Kim , Kyung-Ho Lee , Jong-Beom Yang , Young-Jin Baek and Chang-Han Kim

Animal Resources Research Center, Konkuk University, 1Animal Resources Research Center, Konkuk University, 2Animal Resources Research Center, Konkuk University, 3Department of Food Technology, DongNam Health College, 4Research and Development Center, Korea Yakult Co. Ltd., 5Animal Resources Research Center, Konkuk University


This study was developed to evaluate the growth inhibition effects of cell wall components of Enterococcus faecalis 2B4-1 obtained from feces of neonates against tumor cell lines. Polysaccharide fraction (PS) shown sensitive growth inhibition effect in the cell wall components was isolated and characterized. In growth inhibition effects, residue fractin of whole cell was shown sensitive level of percent survival about 30% when administrated at ehe concentration of 100${mu}$g/ml, and that was more effective than that of supernatant fraction against the tumor cell lines, SNU-1, 3LL, FARROW and HEC-1-B. Sensitive growth inhibition effects against SNU-1, FARROW and HEC-1-B were performed by whole cell (WC) fraction from Ent. faecalis 2B4-1. Cytoplasm fractin (CP) of WC was shown non-inhibition effect, however, the other part of WC, precipitate of disrupted cell (PD), was sensitive against the tumor cell line mentioned above. Followed by separation to peptidoglycan fraction (PG) and polysaccharide fraction (PS) were all sensitive which the latter was shown more sensitive percent survival than the former. Composed sugars of polysaccharide fraction were determined to D-glucose, L-rhamnose and D-glucosamine, and the rate fo composition was calculated to about 1:1:1 by the data of elemental analysis, IR, TLC and HPLC.

Keywords: Enterococcus faecalis, growth inhibition effect, polysaccharide

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