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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 1996; 24(4): 430-438

김치 Starter 용으로 분리한 효모의 동정

김치 Starter 용으로 분리한 효모의 동정


The eleven strains, which could be used lactic and acetic acids as carbon sources, were isolated from kimchi and identified; the strains were facultative microorganisms which could be grown at low temperature (10$circ$C) and around pH 3.2. As results of morphological, biochemical and physiological tests, 5 species of 3 genera were identified as Debaryomyces coudertii, Pichia edia, Pichia chambardii, Pichia haplophilia and Saccharomyces fermentati. Each strain was grown in basal media. In acidic resistance and acid utilization test, Saccharomyces sp. YK- 17 and Saccharomyces fermentati YK-19 were grown well in basal and YM media containing 0.3% lactic acid. And two strains were grown in basal and YM media containing O.3% lactic acid and 0.6% acetic acid. Since strain YK-19 was grown better at 10$circ$C than that in 25$circ$C, strain YK-19 was known to be a psychrophilic strain.

Keywords: Kimchi, starter, yeast, identification, flavour, Debaryomyces coudertii, Pichia media, Pichia chambardii, Pichia haplophilia, Saccharomyces, fermentati, lactic acid, acetic acid

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