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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 1990; 18(2): 115-120

Bacillus pumilus와 Cellulomonas fimi의 이속간 원형질체 융합에 의한 균체외 분비성 ${beta}$-glucosidase 생산균주 개발

Development of Extracellular ${beta}$-glucosidase Producing Strains by Intergeneric Protoplast-fusion between Bacillus pumilus and Cellulomonas fimi

Do-Man Kim and Ke-Ho Lee

Department of Food Science & Technol., College of Agriculture, Seoul National University, 1Department of Food Science & Technol., College of Agriculture, Seoul National University


Cellulose utilizing hybrids between Cellulomonas fimi and Bacillus pumilus were isolated after polyethyleneglycol (PEG) mediated protoplast fusion. 33% (w/v) PEG #6,000 and 50 mM $Ca^{++}$ were optimum concentration. The intergeneric fusion frequency was $3.2{ imes}10^{-7}.$ Extracellular CMCase and ${beta}$-glucosidase activities were detected from one hybrid unlike only CMCase was detected from Cellulomonas fimi.

Keywords: Intergeneric protoplast-fusion, Bacillus pumilus, Cellulomonas fimi, Extracellular ${beta}$-glucosidase

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