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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 1990; 18(2): 109-114

Bacillus pumilus와 Cellulomonas fimi의 원형질체 형성과 재생

Studies on Protoplast Formation and Regeneration of Bacillus pumilus and Cellulomonas fimi

Do-Man Kim and Ke-Ho Lee

Department of Food Science & Technol., College of Agriculture, Seoul National University, 1Department of Food Science & Technol., College of Agriculture, Seoul National University


Several factors predicted to affect the protoplast formation and regeneration were investigated. The optimum concentration of lysozyme, casamino acid and polyvinylpyrrolidone were 0.5 (mg/ml), 0.1%, and 1.5% respectively. In Bacillus pumilus, Penicillin-G treatment concentration was 0.3 U/ml and optimum treatment period was transit log. phase. And in the case of Cellulomonas fimi, 0.3 U/ml and initial log. phase. Osmotic stabilizer and di-cation for OSM medium for Bacillus pumilus and Cellulomonas fimi were 25 mM $CaCl_2,$ 0.5 M sodium succinate and 50 mM $MgCl_2,$ 100 mM $CaCl_2,$ 0.4 M sodium succinate. The regeneration frequency of Bacillus pumilus and Cellulomonas fimi were 14.6% and 6.9% respectively.

Keywords: Protoplast formation, regeneration, Bacillus pumilus, Cellulomonas fimi

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