Environmental Microbiology (EM) | Microbial Ecology and Diversity
Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2021; 49(3): 374-383
Yuniar Harvianti1 and Rina Sri Kasiamdari1,2*
1Graduate Program, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl.Teknika Selatan, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Java, Indonesia 2Plant Systematics Laboratory, Department of Tropical Biology, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Jl.Teknika Selatan, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Java, Indonesia
Correspondence to :
Rina Sri Kasiamdari, rkasiamdari@ugm.ac.id
Rhizoctonia solani is one of the major pathogens that cause sheath blight disease in rice. Sheath blight is one of the most difficult diseases to control. Biological control (with the use of rhizobacteria) is one of the ways to control this disease. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) is a rhizosphere bacterium that can be used to enhance plant growth. The composition of the rhizobacteria in organic and nonorganic soil is affected by the chemical characteristics of the soil - which influences plant physiology and root exudation patterns. This study aimed to obtain a species of rhizobacteria which shows PGPR activity, from organic and nonorganic rice fields and test their capability to suppress R. solani growth. Out of 23 isolates screened for PGPR activity, the following isolates showed high PGPR activity and were selected for in vitro antagonistic activity testing against R. solani: ISO6, ISO11, ISO15, ISN2, ISN3, and ISN7, The six isolates produced 43,42−75,23 ppm of IAA, possessed phosphorus solubilization capability, and chitinase-producing activity. ISO6 (54.88%) and ISN7 (83.33%) displayed high inhibition capacities against R. solani, in vitro. ISO6 and ISN7 inhibited the growth of R. solani lesions on rice leaves by 89% and 100% (without lesion), respectively, after 7 days of incubation. Analysis of their 16S rRNA sequences revealed that the ISO6 isolate was Citrobacter freundii and ISN7 isolate was Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Keywords: Citrobacter freundii, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Rhizoctonia solani, biocontrol, rice sheath blight
Rice (
The difference in the agricultural model, which is the organic and nonorganic farming systems applied will affect the world's biodiversity, including rhizobacteria diversity. Bulluck and Ristaino [3] in their study found that the total population of culturable bacteria,
The ability of plants to adapt to different environments is largely conditioned by rhizobacteria. Rhizobacteria will increase plant growth with a direct mechanism, which are nutrient availability and nutrient uptake mechanisms by increasing nitrogen fixation, dissolving mineral nutrients, mineralization of organic compounds, production of phytohormones [5] and hydrolytic enzymes [6]. Some of plant-inhabiting microorganisms can suppress plant diseases through competition, predation or antagonism against plant pathogens, or through induction of plant defense systems [7]. Rhizobacteria isolated from plant surface, soil and rhizosphere have been extensively used to improve plant health or increase yield and control major crop diseases caused by various fungal and bacterial diseases [8]. The use of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPR) has proved useful in plant-growth promotion and disease control for various crop diseases such as rice disease [9, 10].
Sheath blight is one of the most economically important rice diseases worldwide, which is caused by the fungal pathogen
Utilization of potentialantagonistic microbes originate from rhizosphere areas that have antagonistic power against soil-borne disease through antagonistic mechanisms can be used to overcome problems of rice sheath blight caused by
Rice rhizosphere sampling was carried out in the agricultural area of Bangun Jaya Village, Tomoni District, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. Soil physical and chemical properties of organic and nonorganic rice fields analyzed include total C, total N, C/N Ratio, P2O5 and K.
Soil samples were taken from Ciherang rice varieties. The age of rice plants from 25−40 days after planting. Sampling was conducted at the location of organic and nonnorganic rice fields with a depth of 0−20 cm at three points for each. Rice roots were observed at the Microbiology Laboratory, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Rhizosphere soil samples were put 10 g into the Erlenmeyer flask containing 90 ml of aquadest and homogenized with a shaker for 30 min at a speed of 100 rpm. Soil suspension then let stand for 2 min [16]. Rhizosphere soil suspension was taken 1 ml and made a series of dilutions up to 10-8 dilutions, then the last three dilutions were inoculated by the spread plate method on NA medium. Then incubated for 48 h at 37°C. Furthermore, colonies with different characters (macroscopic and microscopic) were observed and purified by the streak plate method on the NA medium to obtain a single colony.
PGPR activity has been analyzed based on secreting extracellular chitinase enzyme, phosphorus dissolving and producing IAA.
Chitinase production was tested by inoculating bacterial isolates on chitin agar media containing 0.2% colloidal chitin and incubated for 48 h at 24−28°C. The clear zone was formed then calculated chitinolytic index by comparing the diameter of the colony and the diameter of the clear zone as in the following formula:
Test media was conducted on Pikovskaya's agar with the addition of tri-calcium phosphate (TCP) as a phosphate source [17]. Furthermore, the bacteria were incubated for 3 days at 28°C. Solubilization index (SI) was calculation according to Premono
Bacterial culture was planted in Nutrient Broth medium supplemented with L-tryptophan (5 μg ml-1) and incubated at 28°C for 48 h. Centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 30 min. Total of 1 ml of the supernatant from the culture was taken and added with 2 ml of the salkwoski reagent (1 ml 8.12% FeCl3.6H2O, 50 ml 35% HClO4 in a dark bottle), then incubated at 28°C for 25 min. Absorbance readings were carried out at 530 nm using a spectrophotometer. IAA concentrations in each sample were determined by comparison with the IAA standard curve [5]. The red color change indicates the ability of isolates to produce indole suspension.
Where, r is the distance of the fungal colony opposite the bacterial colony and R is the maximum distance of the fungal colony away from the bacterial colony [19].
The hyphal morphology of
Theleaf was taken from a two-month-old rice plant of the disease susceptible cultivar, and cut into 6 cm-long pieces. The leaf pieces were surface-sterilized with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 1 min and washed with sterilized aquadest. The sterilized leaf pieces were then placed on PDA in the petri plates. Overnight grown rhiozbacteria culture in NB in a shaking incubator at 28 ± 2°C at 200 rpm (>108 CFU/ml).
Each rhizobacteria cell suspension was spread on leaf surfaces with a sterile cotton swab. A mycelium collected from
The rhizobacteria isolates with the high activity inhibition of
All of the experiments of inhibition of
Twenty-three rhizobacteria have been isolated from organic and nonorganic rice fields had PGPR activity. Fifteen isolates of rhizobacteria (ISO1, ISO2, ISO3, ISO4, ISO5, ISO6, ISO7, ISO8, ISO9, ISO10, ISO11, ISO12, ISO13, ISO14, and ISO15 isolates) were obtained from organic rice fields, while eight rhizobacteria isolates (ISN1, ISN2, ISN3, ISN4, ISN5, ISN6, ISN7, ISN8) were isolated from nonorganic rice fields showed different macroscopic and microscopic characters (Table 1). The two fields have differences in the inhibition of disease-causing pathogens. Organic rice fields have a higher inhibitory against plant pathogens due to the high organic matter content compared to non-organic rice fields. Bulluck and Ristaino [3] reported that
Table 1 . Functional diversity of rice plant rhizosphere bacteria from organic and nonorganic rice fields.
PGPR Isolates | Gram Stain | Shape of Bacteria | Colony Colour on Nutrient Agar | Colony size/ shape on Nutrient Agar | Chitinase Production | Phosphate solubilization ability | IAA production (ppm) |
ISO1 | Negative | Bacilli | Light yellow | Small/irreguler | - | - | 6.27 |
ISO2 | Negative | Bacilli | Light white | Large/rhizoid | - | - | 20.66 |
ISO3 | Positive | Bacilli | Off white | Moderate/circular | - | + / 1.25 | 20.23 |
ISO4 | Negative | Streptobacilli | Off white | Small/circular | - | + / 1.2 | 23.85 |
ISO5 | Positive | Bacilli | White | Moderate/rhizoid | - | + / 1.3 | 20.06 |
ISO6 | Negative | Coccobacilli | Off white shiny | Small/circular | + / 2.23 | + / 1.76 | 63.42 |
ISO7 | Positive | Bacilli | Light white | Large/filamentous | + / 1.4 | + / 1.47 | 43.42 |
ISO8 | Positive | Streptobacilli | Off white | Moderate/irreguler | + / 1.2 | - | 33.08 |
ISO9 | Positive | Bacilli | White | Moderate/punciform | - | + / 1.34 | 21.52 |
ISO10 | Negative | Bacilli | Light white | Small/circular | + / 1.2 | + / 1.42 | 21.87 |
ISO11 | Positive | Diplobacilli | White | Moderate/circular | + / 2.1 | + / 1.25 | 46.78 |
ISO12 | Negative | Bacilli | White | Small/circular | + / 1.13 | - | 32.90 |
ISO13 | Negative | Bacilli | Light yellow | Moderate/circular | - | - | 19.02 |
ISO14 | Negative | Streptobacilli | Light brown | Moderate/circular | - | - | 18.68 |
ISO15 | Positive | Bacilli | Light yellow | Small/circular | + / 2.26 | + / 1.2 | 43.85 |
ISN1 | Negative | Coccus | Yellow | Moderate/circular | - | - | 40.40 |
ISN2 | Positive | Diplobacilli | Light green | Small/circular | + / 2.2 | - | 75.23 |
ISN3 | Negative | Bacilli | Light brown | Large/irregular | + / 1.76 | + / 2.97 | 68.51 |
ISN4 | Negative | Bacilli | Light yellow | Small/circular | - | - | 25.15 |
ISN5 | Positive | Streptococcus | Light yellow | Small/circular | - | - | 72.73 |
ISN6 | Positive | Streptobacilli | White | Small/circular | + / 1.73 | + / 3.86 | 51.09 |
ISN7 | Negative | Streptobacilli | Shiny green | Large/punciform | + / 2.43 | +/2.05 | 72.73 |
ISN8 | Negative | Coccobacilli | Yellow | Large/irreguler | + / 1.43 | + / 2.01 | 70.23 |
In this study, rhizobacteria from organic rice fields were more diverse than those from nonorganic fields. Santoso
Table 2 . Soil composition of organic and nonorganic soils.
Sample | Analysis | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Average |
Organic Rice field | C | 3.6766% | 3.6213% | 3.64895% |
N | 0.1843% | 0.2138% | 0.19905% | |
C/N Ratio | 19.949 | 16.9377 | 18.4433 | |
P | 0.1182% | 0.1168% | 0.1175% | |
K | 0.0411% | 0.0625% | 0.0518% | |
Nonorganic Rice field | C | 3.4209% | 3.5481% | 3.4845% |
N | 0.1001% | 0.1044% | 0.10255% | |
C/N Ratio | 34.174 | 33.985 | 34.0795 | |
P | 0.2793% | 0.2783% | 0.2788% | |
K | 0.0889% | 0.0946% | 0.09175% |
Based on the results of the analysis of the two soil samples from organic and nonorganic rice fields, the C/N ratio in organic rice fields is low when compared to nonorganic rice fields. The average C/N ratio for organic and nonorganic rice fields was 18,4433 and 34,0795, respectively. The C/N ratio is a measure of the decomposition process of organic matter, while bacteria are a component that carries out its decomposition activities. The value of the C/N ratio is a very sensitive indicator to see the condition of soil fertility [24]. The higher the C/N ratio value, the slower the rate of decomposition of soil organic matter by microorganisms. The high C/N ratio value indicates that the C value is greater than the N value, this reflects the relatively low quality of the substrate that has been decomposed. Laboratory incubation studies have demonstrated that addition of litter with high quality (low C:N ratio) [25] or litter with high soluble C content [26] to soil led to an increase of microbial biomass and activated a copiotrophic microbial community (such as Gram-negative bacteria). Soil C:N ratio can reflect the substrate quality for soil microorganism growtshenh [27]. The lower the C/N ratio indicates microbial activity in the soil, so the higher the PGPR activity by rhizobacteria. Lupwayi
Phosphorus content in organic rice fields has an average value of 0.1175% while in nonorganic rice fields has an average value of 0.2788%. Degens
All isolates that had been tested for PGPR activity showed different production of chitinase, phosphorus dissolving, and IAA production. For all three assays, each rhizobacterial suspensions containing 1 × 108 cells ml-1 were used. Six rhizobacteria isolates were selected with the highest PGPR activity and had three activities including chitinase production, phosphorus dissolving, and IAA production (Table 1). The PGPR promote plant growth through more than one mechanism that includes secretion of variety of growth stimulating hormones and suppression of plant growth retarding agents, that are pathogens.
Rhizobacteria have the ability to produce chitinase enzymes, which can carry out hyperparasitic activity, attacking pathogens by secreting enzymes to hydrolyze pathogenic cell walls containing chitin [31]. Chitinase activity has been shown to suppress pathogenic fungi such as
The six plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria were isolated and tested for antifungal potential against
Table 3 . Dual culture experiments and index of sheath blight of rice in vitro.
Treatment | In vitro inhibition of | |
Control | - | 0/0% |
0 | 5/100% | |
ISO6 | 54,66 | 2/11% |
ISO11 | 11,33 | 4/53% |
ISO15 | 31,33 | 2/22% |
ISN2 | 45,66 | 2/8% |
ISN3 | 52,33 | 2/7% |
ISN7 | 81,33 | 0/0% |
The results
The Rhizobacteria ISO6 and ISN7 that had highest activity of inhibition of
This research was financially supported by ‘Rekognisi Tugas Akhir (RTA) 2020’ Grant from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia (No. 2488/UN1.P.III/DIT-LIT/PT/2020). The author would like to thank the entire technicians in Microbiology and Falitma Laboratory, Faculty of Biology, Universitas Gadjah Mada for their help to use of laboratory equipment.
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
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