Fermentation and Bioprocess Engineering
Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2015; 43(2): 120-125
Lebaka Veeranjaneya Reddy 1, Ju-Hee Min 2 and Young-Jung Wee 2*
1Department of Microbiology, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa (A.P.) 516 003, India, 2Department of Food Science and Technology, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk 712-749, Republic of Korea
In this study, the probiotification of mango juice was carried out by lactic acid bacteria fermentation. Mango juice fermentation was performed at 30ºC for 72 h under micro-aerophilic conditions. The microbial population, pH, titrable acidity, sugar, and organic acid metabolism were measured during the fermentation period and the viability of the strains was determined under the storage conditions at 4ºC for 4 weeks. The lactic acid bacteria reduced the pH to as low as 3.2 from 4.5 within 72 h of fermentation. The substrate concentration was reduced to 5.8% (w/v) from 12% (w/v). Lactobacillus plantarum exhibited the fastest utilization of sugar and reduction of pH in the mango juice when compared to the other strains used. The viability of the cells was maintained at 1.0 × 107 CFU/ml throughout the storage period. From this investigation, it can be concluded that mango juice is suitable for the production of probiotic beverage.
Keywords: Mango juice, lactic acid bacteria, fermentation, probiotic beverage
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