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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters


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Food, Environment, and Other Topics in Biotechnology

Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2013; 41(4): 462-468

Received: July 31, 2013; Accepted: September 24, 2013

오징어젓갈 Bacteria 군집분석 및 식중독균 생육저해 Bacillus 균주 선발

Analysis of the Bacterial Community in Ojingeo-jeotgal and Selection of Bacillus Species Inhibiting the Growth of Food Pathogens

Hye-Rim Kim 1, Seulhwa Han 1, Bitnara Lee 1, Do-Won Jeong 2 and Jong-Hoon Lee 1*

1Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Kyonggi University, Suwon 443-760, Korea, 2The Research Institute of Basic Science, Kyonggi University, Suwon 443-760, Korea

Jeotgal is a generic term given to the high-salt-fermented seafood of Korea. This study aimed at developing an overview of the bacterial community present in Ojingeo-jeotgal, a highly consumed type of jeotgal, which is made with squid. Bacteria were isolated and purified from two samples on six different kinds of media and identified by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Among the 121 total isolates, the most dominant genus was Bacillus, followed by coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) and lactic acid bacteria (LAB). CNS were detected in both samples, but LAB were observed in only a single sample. Six strains of Bacillus species inhibiting the growth of food pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus, were selected from the 121 isolates. These were found to inhibit the growth of both pathogens in addition to displaying proteolytic activities on media containing 6% NaCl and 2% skim milk.

Keywords: Ojingeo-jeotgal, Bacillus, coagulase-negative staphylococci, lactic acid bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio parahaemolyticus

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