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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters


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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2012; 40(4): 424-429

Received: October 25, 2012; Accepted: November 22, 2012

Glucose와 Yeast Extract를 이용하여 배양된 유산균을 이용한 하수 일차 슬러지의 가용화

An Investigation of the Solubilization of Primary Sewage Sludge using Lactic Acid Bacteria Cultured in a Glucose and Yeast Extract Medium

Sang Min Lee 1, Han Na Choi 2, Jung Hun Shin 2 and Eun Young Lee 1*

1Department of Environmental and Energy Engineering, The University of Suwon, Suwon 445-743, Korea, 2Research Institute of Technology, Taeyoung E&C, Seoul 150-777, Korea

The intention of this research was to investigate the solubilization of primary sewage sludge using lactic acid bacteria cultured in a glucose and yeast extract medium. Glucose as the carbon source and yeast extract as the source of nitrogen were chosen as an economic medium with the potential for the mass production of lactic acid bacteria. The optimal concentrations of the medium were 3% (w/v) glucose and 2% (w/v) yeast extract. In this study, in order to improve field applications for the solubilization of sludge at sewage treatment plants, a powdered form of lactic acid bacteria was produced. The optimal inoculum of the powder for the maximum efficiency of solubilization was 1% (w/v). In that condition, the SCOD value increased from 8600 (mg/L) at the beginning of experiment to 10290 (mg/L) at 96 h, with the highest solubilization rate (20.6% DDCOD) and 11.2% (SCOD). Also, the TVFAs of the lactic acid bacteria inoculation group were produced more than that of the control group. In particular, acetic acid was produced 5 times more in the experimental group than in the control group. In this research, the potential of lactic acid bacteria in the pretreatment of primary sewage sludge as a solubilizer, and as an energy source producer for microbial fuel cells was revealed.

Keywords: sewage primary sludge, solubilization, lactic acid bacteria, TVFAs

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