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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2011; 39(2): 182-187

Cu 내성 근권 세균 Alcaligenes sp. KC-1의 분리 및 생장특성

Characterization of Growth Inhibition and Isolation of a Copper-Resistant Rhizobacterium, Alcaligenes sp. KC-1

Sun-Hwa Hong , Ki-Chul Shin and Eun-Young Lee

Department of Environmental and Energy Engineering, University of Suwon, 1Department of Environmental and Energy Engineering, University of Suwon, 2Department of Environmental and Energy Engineering, University of Suwon


In this study, A bacterium with an ability to resist toxic heavy metals was isolated from reeds in wetland. The isolated strain was identified to Alcaligenes sp. KC-1 by 16S rDNA sequencing. Heavy metals such as Pb, $Cr^{6+}$, Cd, Zn and Cu were supplied to media. The ecotoxic treat of the heavy metals on the growth of strain KC-1 was performed when the isolated strain Alcaligenes sp. KC-1 cultured with Cu ranging from 0 mM to 20 mM. It showed the resistance of $EC_{50}$(7.34 mM) and cell growth ($OD_{600;nm}$ : 0.83 after 42 hours) when it was cultured in Cu.

Keywords: Alcaligenes sp.;$EC_{50}$;heavy metal;Cu-resistant bacterium;

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