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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2009; 37(1): 1-9

Multiplex PCR을 이용한 생물방제균 Bacillus subtilis AH18의 토양내 Genetic Monitoring

Genetic Monitoring of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacterium (PGPR), Bacillus subtilis AH18 using Multiplex PCR in Field Soil

Sang-Min Woo , Jong-Hui Lim , Hee-Young Jeong and Sang-Dal Kim

Department of Applied Microbiology, Yeungnam University, 1Department of Applied Microbiology, Yeungnam University, 2Department of Applied Microbiology, Yeungnam University, 3Department of Applied Microbiology, Yeungnam University


The genetic monitoring method was developed for the rapid detection of the PGPR and biocontrol agent, B. subtilis AH18 in red-pepper field soil by multiplex PCR using sid, aec and cel gene primers. The monitoring of B. subtilis AH18 in the soil was carried by amplified a 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxy benzoate dehydrogenase [EC: 1. 3. 1. 28]gene (sid - 794 bp : EF408238) which is a key enzyme of siderophore synthesis, an auxin efflux carrier gene (aec - 1,052 bp : EF408239) and a cellulase gene (cel - 1,582 bp : EF070194). The natural un sterilized soil was inoculated with B. subtilis AH18 to determine the sensitivity ($1.8 imes10^5$ cfu/g) of multiplex PCR for the rapid dectection and then the strain was monitored successfully in rhizosphere or non-rhizosphere soil of red-pepper cultural soil. At 3 weeks after the treatment, density of the strain was monitored more abundantly in rhizosphere soil.

Keywords: Genetic monitoring, multiplex PCR (polymerase chain reaction), Bacillus subtilis AH18, PGPR, biocontrol

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