Soo-Young Park , Sung-Hyun Yang , Soo-Keun Choi , Ji-Hyeon Kim , Jong-Guk Kim and Seung-Hwan Park
Laboratory of Microbial Genomics, Systems Microbiology Research Center, KRIBB, 1Laboratory of Microbial Genomics, Systems Microbiology Research Center, KRIBB, 2Laboratory of Microbial Genomics, Systems Microbiology Research Center, KRIBB, 3Laboratory of Microbial Genomics, Systems Microbiology Research Center, KRIBB, 4Department of Microbiology, College of Nature Science, Kyungpook National University, 5Laboratory of Microbial Genomics, Systems Microbiology Research Center, KRIBB
The 44 endophytic bacterial strains were isolated from surface-sterilized root of rice cultivated in seven different locations of Chungcheong province, Korea. Each isolate was introduced into rice seedlings grown gnotobiotically by inoculating scissor-cut first true leaf with cell suspensions, and the colonization capacity of each isolate in root tissue was analyzed at 7 days after inoculation. Sixteen out of 44 isolates were re-isolated from root successfully with the frequency of
Keywords: Rice endophyte, PGPR, Burkholderia
HeeJoo Hwang, Min-Ji Kim, and Jae-Ho Shin
Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2024; 52(4): 487-489 He , Qiuzhuo Zhang and Varenyam Achal
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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2019; 47(1): 1-10