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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2005; 33(3): 215-221

Hexane 분해 혼합균의 특성

Properties of a Hexane-Degrading Consortium

Eun-Hee Lee , Jaisoo Kim and Kyung-Suk Cho

Department of Environemental Science and Engineering, Ewha Womans University, 1Department of Environemental Science and Engineering, Ewha Womans University, 2Department of Environemental Science and Engineering, Ewha Womans University


It was characterized the hexane biodegradation and mineralization using a hexane-degrading consortium, and analyzed its bacterial community structure by 16S rDNA PCR-DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis). The specific growth rate (${mu}_{max}$) of the hexane-degrading consortium was 0.2 $h^{-1}$ in mineral salt medium supplemented with hexane as a sole carbon source. The maximum degradation rate ($V_{max}$) and saturation constant ($K_{s}$) of hexane of the consortium are 460 ${mu}mol{cdot}g-DCW^{-1}{cdot}h^{-1}$ and 25.87 mM, respectively. In addition, this consortium could mineralize $49.1{\%}$ of $^{14}C$-hexane to $^{14}CO_2$, and $43.6{\%}$ of $^{14}C$-hexane) was used for the growth of biomass. The clones isolated from the DGGE bands were closely related to the bacteria which were capable of degrading pollutants such as oil, biphenyl, PCE, and waste gases. The hexane-degrading consortium obtained in this study can be applied for the biological treatment of hexane.

Keywords: Hexane, biodegradation, bacterial consortium, mineralization, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis

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