Mi-Yeong Yu, , Gyeong-Hwan Kim, , Jae-U Lee, , Sang-Gwon Kim, and Ji-Yeong Yang,
Division of Food science & Biotechnolology, Pukyong National University, 1Division of Food science & Biotechnolology, Pukyong National University, 2Department of Food Preparation, Changwon College, 3Chung-Ho Sea Food Co., Ltd, 4Division of Food science & Biotechnolology, Pukyong National University
We selected a solvent for producing antioxidants from sporophyll of Undaria pinnatOptimum extraction condition for antioxidant ability(Y) of sporophyll of U. pinnatifida was investigated using response surface methodology(RSM). A compound central design was used with variables (
Keywords: Sporophyll;Undaria pinnatifida;antioxidant activity;response surface methodology;