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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2003; 31(4): 421-428

퇴비로부터 분리된 Burkholderia cepacia No.15-2의 특성과 항균 효과

Characteristics and Antimicrobial Effects of Novel Burkholderia cepacia No. 15-2 Isolated from Compost

Soon-Il Yun,

Faculty of Applied Biological Science Hiroshima University


To develop the functional-compost containing antifungal substance by using antagonistic microorganisms, Spinacia oleracea L and Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn O-28 were used as a model plant and phytopathogen, respectively. Total 80 strains were isolated from the compost of various waste foods mixture processed for a year. Among them, No.15-2 strain was selected due to its highest antifungal activity against R. solani Kuhn O-28 and was identified phyno- and phylogenotypically as Burkholderia cepacia genomovar V. which is rare probability in pathogen, by 16S rDNA sequencing and specific primer pair PCR method. B. cepacia No.15-2 preferentially dominated during the compost and its cell numbers were maintained almost $${ imes}$10^{13}$ cuf/g for 15 days. The morbidity caused by R. solani Kuhn O-28 in S. oleracea L cultivation was reduced to 40% by addition of B. cepacia No.15-2. In conclusion, the antifungal compost using B. cepacia No.15-2 could be applied to biocontrol of various crops blights caused by fungal pathogen.

Keywords: Antagonistic;biocontrol;Burkholderia cepacia;compost;pytopathogens;

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