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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2000; 28(2): 63-70

Adipic acid-resistant 변이주 Leuconostoc mesenteroides의 내산성 특성

Characteristics of Acid Tolerance of Adipic Acid-Resistant Mutant Strain, Leuconostoc mesenteroides

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To determine an increased acid tolerance of an adipic acid-resistant mutant Leuconostoc mesenteroides(ANaM100) developed for use as a Kimchi starter, proton permeability of cytoplasm, activities of H+-ATPase, Mg++ release and fatty acid composition of cytoplasmic membranes of strain ANaM100 were studied and compared with those of its wild type (LMw). The value of protons permeability of LMw after an acid shock at pH 5.0 was 5.4 min., while the value of ANaM100 cells was 8.4 min. at the same pH. The pH of maximal specific activ-ities of ATPase originated from the LMw and ANaM100 were 0.87 unit/mg protein at pH 6.0 and 0.92 unit/mg pro-tein at pH 5.5, respectively. The release of magnesium ion from ANaM100 was observed about 12.8% at pH 4 after 2 hours, while the wild strains of LMw released Mg++ about 27.6% under the same conditions. The content of C19:0,cyclo and C18:1 in a membrane fatty acid of ANaM100 was higher and lower, respectively than that of LMw. These results indicated that acid tolerance of adipic acid-resistant strain, ANaM100 was significantly improved in comparison with that of its wild type, LMw. In addition, the strain ANaM100 was adipic resistance based on the result of growth of the strain in comparison with that of strain LMw in a broth containing adipic acid.

Keywords: acid tolerance, adipic acid, mutant, Kimchi

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