Biodegradation of benzoate and m-toluate was investigated using a Pseudomonas sp. isolated in a continuous culture for 45 days with a step-wise increase of the subsrates. The optimum mixture ratio of benzoate and m-toluate was 75% and 25%, respectively. During 45-day culture, removal of benzoate and m-toluate, which was replaced 2,000 ppm on the 30th day were 94% and 79%, respectively, when COD removal rate was 80%. The enzymatic activity of catechol 1,2-dioxygenase increased and that of catechol 2,3-dioxygenase decreased as the concentration of m-toluate was increased. These results suggested that m-toluate induced enzyme activity for degradation of benzoate. The shape of isolated strain in the continuous culture was investigated with SEM and the results showed that the cell shape was more damage according to the higher concentration of aromatic hydrocarbons. Therefore, we suggested that the tolerance against aromatic hydrocarbons was related to not only enzymatic activity but also characteristic of cell membrane or cell wall.
Keywords: biodegradation, mixed hydrocarbon, catechol 1,2-dioxygenase, catechol 2,3-dioxygenase, continuous culture
김호산, 노종열, 이대원, 장진희, 제연호, 우수동, 김주경, 유용만, 강석권
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