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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

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Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 1992; 20(3): 263-270

Pseudomondas sp.에 의한 채소병원균의 생물학적 억제

Biological Control of Plant Pathogen by Pmdornonas sp.


For the selection of powerful antagonistic bacterium for biological control of soil borne Eminia carotovora subsp. carotovora causing rot of vegetable, excellent strains (S4, S14, 565) were selected from 1,196 strains of bacteria which were isolated from rhizosphere in vegetable root rot-suppresive soil. Strains were identified to be Pseudomonas species with Api 20NE kit. Antagonistic substance was produced in 523 synthetic broth medium at pH 7~8 and $30^{circ}C$ during 3 days culture. The substance was stable in the pH range of 6 to 9. When the basal medium was supplemented with mannitol and sorbitol as carbon source and calcium chloride as metal salt, the production of the inhibitory substance was increased. The inhibitory acitivity was increased by the addition of fertilizer in soil. The isolated strains were resistant to the agricultural chemical such as benomyl and fosethyl-Al-folpet, and the antibiotics such as penicillin and lincomycin. We had found that Pseudomonas sp. S14 strain had a single plasmid. After treated with acridin orange for curing, we confirmed the existence of antagonistic gene in the chromosomal DNA.

Keywords: Plant pathogen, antagonistic Pseudomonas sp., biological control

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