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Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters

Research Article(보문)

Food Microbiology  |  Bioactive Compounds or Metabolites: Function and Application

Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett.

Received: October 30, 2024; Revised: January 15, 2025

Prospective Source of α-Amylase Inhibitor and Antioxidant from Non-Dairy Kefir Developed from a Combination of Soybean and Jack Bean

Dandy Yusuf 1, 2*, Rini Handayani 1, Sulistiani 1, 2 and Andi Febrisiantosa 3

1Research Center for Applied Microbiology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) of Indonesia, Cibinong 16911, Indonesia., 2Research Collaboration Center for Traditional Fermentation, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia, 3Research Center for Food Technology and Processing, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) of Indonesia, Gunungkidul 55861, Indonesia.

Correspondence to :
Dandy Yusuf, Yupiter Utama Street, D7 Number 29, Nanggewer mekar, Cibinong [16911]
Fax : +6282174144100, E-mail :


Diabetes mellitus can be controlled by inhibiting α-amylase activity in the digestive tract and increasing antioxidant intake. The presence of α-amylase inhibitors will delay the breakdown of carbohydrates, thereby slowing down glucose absorption and helping control blood glucose concentrations. Meanwhile, antioxidant intake can help prevent diabetes complications through free radical scavenging mechanisms. Inhibitor diabetes-related enzyme compounds have also been reported to be contained in soybean and jackbean commodities. The aim of this study was to explore the potential of non-dairy kefir made from soybeans and jack beans as a source of a-amylase inhibitors and antioxidants through in vitro assay. These results of the study successfully identified α-amylase inhibitor activity of 58.10 - 60.92% and antioxidants of 52.81% (DPPH) and 47.12% (ABTS) from mixed soybean and jackbean kefir. The preferred organoleptic profile is relatively acceptable. The bioactivity of α-amylase inhibitors and antioxidants was confirmed in vitro in non-dairy kefir, this could be the basis for molecular isolation or in vivo research.

Keywords: α-amylase inhibitor, antioxidant, fermentation, jackbean, kefir, soybean

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