Microbial Biotechnology (MB) | Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering
Microbiol. Biotechnol. Lett. 2024; 52(2): 141-151
Abhishek Sengupta1, Tushar Gupta1, Aman Chakraborty1, Sudeepti Kulshrestha1, Ritu Redhu1, Raya Bhattacharjya2, Archana Tiwari2, and Priyanka Narad1*,#
1Systems Biology and Data Analytics Research Lab, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201301, India
2Diatom Research Laboratory, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh-201301, India
#Current Affiliation: Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi
Correspondence to :
Priyanka Narad, priyanka.narad@gmail.com
Isochrysis sp. is a sea microalga that has become a species of interest because of the extreme lipid content and rapid growth rate of this organism indicating its potential for efficient biofuel production. Using genome sequencing/genome-scale modeling for the prediction of Isochrysis sp. metabolic utilities there is high scope for the identification of essential pathways for the extraction of byproducts of interest at a higher rate. In our work, we design and present iIsochr964, a genome-scale metabolic model of Isochrysis sp. including 4315 reactions, 934 genes, and 1879 metabolites, which are distributed among fourteen compartments. For model validation, experimental culture, and isolation of Isochrysis sp. were performed and biomass values were used for validation of the genome-scale model. OptFlux was instrumental in uncovering several novel metabolites that influence the organism's metabolism by increasing the flux of interacting metabolites, such as Malonyl-CoA, EPA, Protein and others. iIsochr964 provides a compelling resource of metabolic understanding to revolutionize its industrial applications, thereby fostering sustainable development and allowing estimations and simulations of the organism metabolism under varying physiological, chemical, and genetic conditions. It is also useful in principle to provide a systemic view of Isochrysis sp. metabolism, efficiently guiding research and granting context to omics data.
Keywords: Genome-scale metabolic model, Isochrysis, flux balance analysis, metabolic engineering, aquaculture, COBRA toolbox
Genome-scale metabolic models (GEMs) have been a fascinating method for understanding metabolism in cells. GEMs have been meticulously curated computationally designed models that depict comprehensive metabolic networks of cells. These models are constructed by utilizing genomic observations and empirical data. The models include curated metabolic reactions that are balanced in mass and associations between genes and proteins that are involved in each reaction. This relationship between genes and proteins is established [4]. Through the utilization of GEM, it is possible to discern potential metabolic pathways that may be pursued to enhance lipid production and optimize the efficacy of biofuel production. The scarcity of flux balance analysis application to
In our work, we chose the most pertinent organism for our study based on phylogenetic resemblance to the organism under investigation, determining
The complete workflow of the protocol being used for the designing and evaluation of the Genome-scale metabolic model (GEM) of the
The process of reconstructing the genome-scale model of any organism requires a set of pathways and reactions involved in the entire metabolism of the organism. Given the restricted availability of pathway data and complete genome sequence data for
BLASTn search for a similar organism. BLASTn search was conducted to assess the degree of sequence similarity for
Key metabolic Pathway acquisition and collection. The construction of a metabolic model requires the collection of appropriate data concerning an organism's metabolism. This data includes pathways, genes, metabolites, reactions, and compartments of these reactions. To ensure the comprehensiveness and availability of curated data, a range of resources including KEGG [7], BioCyc [8], and MetaCyc [9] were employed. The model's reaction compartments were acquired from the Metabolic Atlas and the pathways were retrieved using KEGG. The model reconstruction utilized the RHEA database [10] as the primary source for the reactions. Pathways and sub-pathways used for the generation of the model are mentioned in Supplementary File 1.
Pathway data annotation and curation. Initially, the entirety of the organism's genome was comprehensively inspected and annotated, in the form of all essential pathways including reactions and genes. The data gathered from diverse database sources were integrated, utilizing unique reaction identifiers and reaction equations, in conjunction with the corresponding genes and their respective compartments.
The format followed for the data annotation of reaction(s) in the model involved equating the unique reaction identifiers corresponding to their respective reaction equation comprising reactants and products along with their respective compartments separated by the directionality indicator and enclosed in the single quotes. An example is mentioned below.
r_0001='lactate[c] + 2ferricytochrome-c[m] -> 2ferrocytochrome- c[m] + pyruvate[c]'
The format followed for the data annotation of gene(s) corresponding to reactions in the model involved equating the unique gene identifier to the gene name and separated by “OR’ if multiple reactions are involved.
grule1='YJR048W OR YDL174C OR YEL039C OR YEL071W',
A similar format was followed for the acquisition of all the genes and reactions.
In the final step, the metabolic pathway reactions and genes were compiled and transformed into a mathematical model that conforms to the COBRA Toolbox's readability standards. Further, the model was enhanced by adding sophisticated reactions, referred to as the objective reaction. In our instance, the objective reaction pertains to the maximization of biomass and constitutes the primary objective of the model. This reaction involves the generation of several biomass precursors. In our scenario, this reaction effectively employs all desired metabolites to synthesize intricate vital metabolites that are of significance to our research. This data of desired metabolites for the biomass reaction is retrieved and validated by the experimental data.
Pure culture of
Following this, an aliquot of harvested biomass was used to estimate total protein, carbohydrate, and, secondary metabolites like phenol, flavonoids, and tocopherol content [15]. The chlorophyll and carotenoid compositions were estimated spectrophotometrically using 95% acetone algal extracts. The total lipids extracted according to [16] were first estimated gravimetrically (lipid% DW) [17], and then transesterified esterified for analyzing the fatty acid profile via gas chromatography (GC-FiD). The methylated fatty acids reported were identified based on the FAME standard (Supelco Mix, India) [18]. The experimental data obtained by the experimental data has been summarized in Supplementary File 2. This data is used for designing and creating the biomass reaction used as the objective reaction for the Genome-scale metabolic modeling of
After the data has been curated in the mathematical model format, it needs to be modeled and analyzed by the process of flux balance analysis (FBA). It is a highly preferred and in-demand methodology for the biochemical analysis of Genome-scale metabolic studies using the GEM reconstruction. After the initialization of the COBRA Toolbox in MATLAB, all the essential pathway data including reactions, genes, and their respective compartments including the biomass reaction and ATP maintenance (ATPm) reaction were imported into COBRA Toolbox in the mathematical format and the data was optimized to create a draft mode. duplicates were removed and the model was checked for blocked reaction. The final model was created and labeled ‘
Just as flux balance analysis is used to analyze the overall biomass production in the model, it can also be helpful to simulate the growth of other essential metabolites by varying the constraints of the reactions associated with the production of that metabolite. This is useful in principle in creating a non-natural environment for the simulation of the growth of the metabolites in the varied environment. Following the completion and refinement of the genome-scale model of
The reconstruction of
The final
The refined model included the Objective reaction (in our case Biomass reaction), ATP Maintenance reaction, and removal of duplicates and blocked reactions. The final refined model in the MATLAB (.mat) and SBML (.xml) format can be available upon request. The .mat file may be directly imported into the MATLAB environment with the COBRA Toolbox add-on and may be visualized and analyzed. The .xml file in the SBML format file has applications in various other visualizing webbased and standalone programs.
On varying the bounds of the essential reactions and pathways related to desired metabolites, the changes in the flux values of different reactions have been illustrated in Fig. 3, Fig. 4, and Fig. 5. The data has been summarized in Supplementary S5.
Upon imposition of constraints on various reactions, a significant enhancement of 100 mmol/g dry cell weight/ hr was noted in the flux values of the “Protein” and “EPA” producing reactions.
The heightened frequency of protein synthesis in microalgae may suggest the adaptation to alterations or stressors in their surroundings, given that various proteins often participate in stress responses and cellular defense mechanisms. The phenomenon has the potential to impact the physiological processes, functional abilities, and ecological interactions of microalgae. The enhancement of protein levels results in an increase in nutrient density and desirability for a large number of essential metabolites, including aquaculture feed and nutritional supplements. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), these noteworthy metabolites that influenced the organism, included malonyl-CoA, EPA, protein, carbon dioxide, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, isocitrate, D-erythrose- 4-phosphates, L-glycine, 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, dihydroxyacetonephosphate, D-fructose-6-phosphates, sedoheptulose-7- phosphate, dihydrofolic acid, dTMP, D-xylulose-5-phosphates, L-serine, NADPH, pyridoxal, D-fructose, and Dglucose. The pathway map linking the pathways of the Protein and EPA has been depicted in Fig. 6. The Genome-scale metabolic model (GEM) ‘iIsochry964’ can be used by metabolic engineers to identify and modulate pathways, reactions, and genes of the
In our study, we aimed to reconstruct the genomescale metabolic model of novel
The comprehensive code for the design and reconstruction of the model can be accessed on GitHub (accessible at:https://github.com/pnarad/genome-scale-metabolic-model-Isochrysis). The model files in (.mat) and (.xml) format can be made available upon request.
Designing the research and method: Abhishek Sengupta, Priyanka Narad, Archana Tiwari; Performed the literature search: Tushar Gupta, Aman Chakraborty, and Sudeepti Kulshrestha; Performed the manual curation of data through literature: Tushar Gupta, Aman Chakraborty, Ritu Redhu, Raya Bhattacharya, Sudeepti Kulshrestha; conducted the data compilation: Raya Bhattacharya, Tushar Gupta, Aman Chakraborty, Sudeepti Kulshrestha, Ritu Redhu; Supervised the work and edited manuscript: Abhishek Sengupta, Priyanka Narad, Archana Tiwari. All the authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
We would like to acknowledge Dr. Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity University Uttar Pradesh for providing us the opportunity to conduct research. We would also like thank Centre for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University for providing us necessary resources.
The authors have no financial conflicts of interest to declare.
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